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Incident Reporting Form

HIEA's member companies are members of and are committed to the local community. HIEA's member companies operate their facilities in accordance with the City of Hamilton's bylaws, Ontario's Environmental Protection Act, as well as applicable Federal regulations.

However, occasionally companies may occasionally experience a process upset leading to an incident where there is an unplanned discharge to the natural environment. The discharge could be to land, water, or air. Most often the discharge presents itself as emissions, odour, or particulate. If you see such an incident please fill out the HIEA Incident Form and we will follow up with our members. The form is automatically submitted to HIEA. 

When recording an incident we encourage you to not only describe the incident but in particular, the location, weather conditions, wind direction and any other information you think may help in identifying the source. An HIEA representative may contact you asking for clarification or more details.  

HIEA commits as part of this process to contact our member companies to help identify the source of the incident and report our findings back to the complainant.  
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